M.A.P (Myriad Apocalypse Project)

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M.A.P Myriad Apocalypse Project

M.A.P. originally started as a troop enhancement program by the Vanu Counsel on Araxis, our first test subject Firejack was released from our test facility in early 2004 along with others to help the fight against the New Conglomerate and Terrain Republic.

During this time we have been observing him and his team’s tactics on the battle fields of Araxis, and though unorthodox, and inhumane he and his outfit have managed to turn the tide in many battles. Though we consider the project a complete success, we started to notice that test subjects starting to grow more ruthless and proficient at there task. There ability to adapt quickly and overcome the opposition with force and brute strength with no remorse for the enemy.

Dr Hellems Project Director

I foresee future control problems with this group of individuals and am suggesting that they be recalled and destroyed. We have lost complete control of these subjects and believe them to be a threat to all inhabitants living on Araxis.

Update late 2004

Subjects under the M.A.P. project have committed unspeakable atrocities in the taking of bases and in their defense as well. The removal of body parts of enemy, and the display of cadavers in front of facilities have shown that the members of M.A.P. are unstable and refuse to follow higher commands. I feel that if they are left out in the field the atrocities will continue to grow.

Dr Tim Stutley

The M.A.P. project will be locked away and shut down, though we have managed to destroy most members of the project, small skirmishes with members of M.A.P. are continuing to execute there orders of decimating NC and TR forces. Though they are doing the will of Vanu, the way they are carrying out these orders are in human and go against anything we would consider human.

Late 2006

As the body count has risen under the leadership of Firejack and his outfit, we have managed to secure members of the project and remove their matrix from the respawn facilities, this was at a great cost. Although we have occasionally noticed M.A.P members randomly spawning on Auraxis. We suspect Firejack has implanted customised code into the matrix sequencing facilities. This is worrying as we had thought we'd saved Auraxis from these blood thirsty killers.

Update Nov 2012

With the large amount of fighting starting to pick up on INDAR, AMERISH, and ESIMER, we the Vanu counsel have decided to restart the project again.

May God have mercy on us all

Update Jan 2012

Dear god - what have we done!

We have been monitoring the progress of the project and it appears Firejacks sway over members of the Vanu Soveriegnty is boundless. The projects ranks continue to swell at an astounding pace. Even more troubling is the rise to eminence of various members, courtesy of Firejacks indoctrination techniques. Blitzkrieg appears to be the commander - a truly ruthless individual capable of leading the projects troops to great victories but at terrible cost to the enemy, contravening numerous conventions in the projects persuit for combat excellence. Herax is a scourge of the skies, leading many Auraxian scientists to re-evaluate the rules of physics. Amigafan2003 seems capable of great strategic thinking, often directing attacks that on the face of it seem unwise but end up totally decimating the enemy. Some debate if he can see into the future.

The council are currently evaluating several control methods for the project but so far these are proving ineffective. I pity the TR and NC soldiers.


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