Bouncing Betty

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Bouncing Betty
Icon item nc mineBouncer 128x128.png
Empire Logo nc.pngNew Conglomerate
Class InfiltratorEngineer
Certification Required Bouncing Betty
Cost 75 Infantry

The Bouncing Betty is an item available to the NC Engineer and Infiltrator classes. They occupy the item slot, and thus replace the ammo resupply pack if equipped*. The device will detonate when an enemy comes in close proximity to it, after a short delay. One character can carry one Bouncing Betty at a time by default, but this can be increased to two Bouncing Betties if the second level of the Bouncing Betty Certification is purchased. Engineers can carry a third Bouncing Betty by taking level 5 of the Utility Pouch Certification. Players may deploy as many Bouncing Betties as they are certified to equip at one time. Attempting to deploy more will make the earliest one placed disappear.

Mines do not replace the ammo resupply pack. Once Mines will be equipped, the ammo slot will be the same as the turret slot. Players can use the "switch fire modes" button to switch between turret and ammo packs.

The TR and VS equivalents to the Bouncing Betty are the Claymore and the Proximity Mine, respectively.

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