Merit Commendations

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Merit Commendations allow players to obtain special notice for their work in the game. These merits range anywhere from medic support to combat engineering and repair support. You also earn merits for killing other aircraft in an air to air battle, or mastering use of your heavy assault weapons.

For a kill to count toward a Commendation, it must be a unique kill. Unique kills are defined as an enemy who has been alive at least 30 seconds, and whom you have not killed in the last 20 minutes.

To the right you can see an example of merits on an actual soldier of the Terran republic service merits are auto displayed. Once you earn personal merit you can choose which you wish to display on your arm or in your "Display Case".

Some merits:

  •            Annual Term of Service (VS)
  •            Ball & Chain (Female)
  •            Markov Distinguished Veteran (VS)
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