Crack Clan
[edit] Etymology
crack, [krak] adj.: ace: of the highest quality; “an ace reporter”; “a crack shot”; “a first-rate golfer”;
“a super party”; “played top-notch tennis”; “an athlete in tiptop condition”; “she is absolutely tops”
clan, [klan] noun.: a group united by a common interest or common characteristics
[edit] Our key philosophies are:
- Trolling doesn’t help the community or anyone in anyway, nor does smack-talk
Tied in are all forms of bigotry and racism which are just as useless and, consequently, strictly prohibited.
- Conflict resolution over conflict avoidance. Honest discussion and dealing with your issues rather than
back-talk or hiding from them. This is one of the main reasons we’re still here after all this time.
- Own the experience. From taking responsibility for others actions in order to provide a positive
experience through to really participating in the community as a whole. This is the secret to happiness in our organization.
[edit] Objectives
Head over to our JOIN PAGE if you’re interested to find out more and are keen on:
- Building a team of like-minded (18+) individuals
- Playing in a “try hard” PS2 teamwork a few times a week
- An environment that will deliver both chilled and intense experiences
- Leading and/or following assaults using tactics gleaned from PS1 and other games