The Blood Wolves

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The Blood Wolves
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Leader CaptainThirsty, Healix02, BlackBulletIV
Empire Logo nc.pngNew Conglomerate
Region Australasia
Server Briggs
Tags/Abbreviations [D1RE]
Stats The Blood Wolves Stats

The Blood Wolves and Gankster's Paradise (QRC) merged in early 2015 to form Shock and Awe [SHOK].


An outfit formed out of the officers and troops of the now dead [DR0P] outfit, this outfit was made with the idea of getting more out of the game. An emphasis on squad tactics, more outfit interaction and the occasional race is what we have in mind. If you are a teamplayer, we want you! It doesn't matter what your K/D is, or how newb you are, we want people who will follow orders and use initiative. If you are rough we will polish you into a good soldier for freedom!

The Blood Wolves is primarily a New Conglomerate outfit for Planetside 2 on Briggs, generally just called by its in-game tag, D1RE. We're primarily a spec ops outfit, with a focus on teamwork, mobility, and discipline. That said we do regularly run casual, or "semi-casual", squads.

D1RE isn't just about Planetside 2, however. We often play other games with each other, or just hang out in TeamSpeak for a chat. At our core we're a small community of gamers who gel well together and share a high level of camaraderie with one another; when it comes to members, it's quality over quantity.

We're always looking for dedicated players to join the outfit. If spec ops and teamwork, with a mix

of more casual play, sounds like fun, you may be interesting in joining. If so, register on the site and make an application post:
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