The Foundation

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The Foundation is a international VS outfit based on the european server Cobalt. Flash attacks, crazy sunderer races and the flying circus, among other fun stuff, is what make The Foundation of this crazy fun and welcoming outfit.

We are a mixed group of people with different ambitions, but are able to find a good combination between very casual and militaristic. Plenty of active platoon leaders. Some will shout at you, over and over, to give you that militaristic feel you are looking for. If you are more of the casual who just want to have a waypoint to capture in whatever way you find best yourself - we have that too!

Look for anything with "The Foundation" in the Squads list, and you'll find us on the server 24/7. Contact us in-game to plan a coordinated attack, or to just hang out for some nice team games. There is also a very active forum for all our members and allied outfits.

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