The Roseknights

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Template:Outfit TRKS

TRKS has been around since beta. starting at first as a small group of friends TRKS bloomed so to speak when several key leaders all joined together by meeting at random. these few people decided to create an outfit of fun loving people, cracking jokes and kicking ass, and that's been our outfits goal since day one.


TRKS is a very laid back outfit, but times are changing on mattherson NC. while our core value will always be that of free speech and hilarity we do realize that we need to go "rambo style". during ops and alerts our squads are small knit tactical groups, dropping from gals to destroy sundys. leading mini MAX crashes to crush enemy defenses. and when all else fails, going to VR and making sundys fly ( we found the glitch :)


our membership has always been open, we accept all except..... them. the squeakers, the trolls, the cod kids, the ragers, etc etc. otherwise joining us is as simple as asking for an inv. we have no code of conduct ( our humor is quite crude) but realize we have limitations on what can and cannot be said, i.e common sense.


TRKS is pro-alert. meaning we always participate, crappy bio alert or not. we bielive that while alrets are not the only thing the game offers, it is by far one of the best. and so we try to work with command and coordinate the faction to win, or at least make a place, in alerts.


for more info you can visit our steam group (TRKSofficial) and chat us up anytime or look into our website ( or find one of our public squads in the squad panel anytime ( cleary labeled, TRKS something or another).

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