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Emerald's Servername originates from Planetside 1. [1]

On June 24th, 2014 the two US East Planetside 2 servers Mattherson & Waterson merged. Bringing Emerald's name out of retirement.

Prior to the Merge a Server Smash (nicknamed MergerSmash) consisted of Waterson vs. Mattherson in what was a highly anticipated match. 240 players vs. 240 players went head to head, which ended in a very close overtime victory by Mattherson (46 points) & Waterson (45 points).[2] [3]

The match was decided, ultimately, by 2 particular Large Outposts: Esamir Munitions Corp., and The Octagon. Because of the close match, the community called for a renaming of two bases in tribute to the great match and their native servers. Subsequently, Esamir Munitions Corp. was renamed to Mattherson's Triumph and The Octagon was renamed to Waterson's Redemption.[4]

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