Fire Suppression System

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Fire Suppression System is a certification available to vehicles. When activated, the vehicle will no longer be in a critically damaged state, and performance will return to normal.

Fire Suppression System
Level Cost Effect
1 30 Icon certification point.png Repair 3% of the vehicle over 5 seconds, extinguish fire and allows nanite auto repair to start. Minimum of 60 seconds between reactivation.
2 50 Icon certification point.png Repair 6% of the vehicle over 5 seconds, extinguish fire and allows nanite auto repair to start. Can be activated once every 55 seconds.
3 100 Icon certification point.png Repair 9% of the vehicle over 5 seconds, extinguish fire and allows nanite auto repair to start. Can be activated once every 50 seconds.
4 500 Icon certification point.png Repair 12% of the vehicle over 5 seconds, extinguish fire and allows nanite auto repair to start. Can be activated once every 45 seconds.
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