Drifter Jump Jets (Certification)

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Drifter Jumpjets is a certification of the Light Assault class.

Drifter Jump Jets
Level Cost Effect
1 50 Icon certification point.png Drifter Jump Jets trade all upward thrust for a more controlled burn allowing the user to glide much longer distances at increased speeds.
2 100 Icon certification point.png Improves the efficiency of the jumpjet, increasing the sustained use time to 8 seconds and the charge rate by 28.5%.
3 150 Icon certification point.png Improves the efficiency of the jumpjet, increasing the sustained use time to 10 seconds.
4 200 Icon certification point.png Improves the efficiency of the jumpjet, increasing the sustained use time to 14 seconds and the charge rate by 46%.
5 500 Icon certification point.png Improves the efficiency of the jumpjet, increasing the sustained use time to 28 seconds.
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