Meecat Airlines

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Meecat Airlines
Leader Meecatv
Empire Logo vs.pngVanu Sovereignty
Server Emerald

Stats Meecat Airlines Stats

Meecat Airlines is a super exclusive outfit with invites rarely given. This is not so much to do with the fact that we're (I) elite as it is that nobody ever asks for them.

Putting that triviality aside, Meecat Airlines specialises in transportation as per its name. Transportation which comes in two main forms:

1) transportation of people

2) transportation of bulldog ammunition to the enemy without prior request

3) transportation of the galaxy chassis to libs, esf's, tanks etc

According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle by counting the actual number of points I've made above, you've rendered uncertain my ability to count. The fact that I am acutely aware of this issue renders uncertain your judgement of my ability to count. Which is it? Only Schrodingers cat may know, or may not know.

Meecat Airlines also charters flights. At current, our flights are mostly reserved by the DARK outfit as per their request. Though recompense for flight time is scarce, it is hoped that this act of charity will benefit the greater good of Auraxis.

In conclusion, Meecat Airlines -- are we really an outfit?

(yes we are)

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