Vanu Revolution

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Vanu Revolution
Leader SGTMile

CKerensky Superlasers

Empire Logo vs.pngVanu Sovereignty
Region US East
Server Waterson
Stats Vanu Revolution Stats


Mission Statement

Vanu Revolution (VREV) shall pride itself on being a fun, welcoming outfit for those who wish to work in an environment that encourages teamwork and friendship, combined with good sportsmanship. Members of the outfit are expected to, at all times, respect its fellow members, it's command structure, opponents, and fellow Vanu Warriors. Our most important rule, and one that we all will follow: RESPECT

How We Operate

VREV is an outfit for individuals who want to work together. At all times of day, if there are at least two VREV members online, they are strongly encouraged to be in the same squad, working together. If there are more than 6, an outfit squad must be operational. Whether the squad is open to the public, to outfit members + friends, or just outfit members is entirely up to first, the Platoon Leader, and second, the Squad Leader (If the platoon leader is indifferent or there is no platoon). There is no restriction which prevents an outfit squad joining another platoon (in fact, it can be a good way to get our good name out there!) but keep in mind our Cardinal Rule, and work as a team. If there are enough individuals to form a good second squad (use your judgement), a Vanu Revolution lead platoon should be created (lead by example!).

Command Structure

VREV has a command structure but in reality It's not hugely very complicated. Officers are advanced because they are leaders who lead well. VREV respects and encourages people of any rank wanting to lead or voice their opinions. Ultimately the highest authority in a VREV squad or platoon is the squad or platoon leader. Everyone else follows their call (free to voice their opinions off course) as strict or as loose as they demand. If folks don't like what the squad or platoon lead is doing then they are encouraged to volunteer to lead.

A higher ranking officer may relieve a lower ranking member of comamnd or otherwise take command but ultimately this only happens when the need is dire. In practice it happens almost never.

Non- Commissioned Officers

As much as possible we are moving away from non-commisioned ranks as they proved cumbersome to maintain. Ultimately there are probationary (new) members, regular members, and officers. Officers exist to handle problems and are recognized from having made long term contributions to the outfit in a leadership role.


All outfit members are expected to respect the rank of any orders passed down to them. The individual giving the orders may have more information about the current situation than you do, or may have a grand strategy. Either way, this individual has earned the right through proving him/herself to their peers. If you disagree with an order, you may bring it up, however the order-giver is under no obligation to consider alternatives. What they say is the final word.

HOWEVER: Under no circumstances may an officer give an order that will force anyone to play for a shorter or longer span than they desire. This game is ultimately meant to be fun.

If problems arise due to Abuse of Orders or power, higher ranking individuals may become involved.

General Orders

General orders are orders that any officer in charge may give. These are usually very simple, and as this charter is updated, more orders may be added. It is extremely important that all outfit members read this section thoroughly and understand these orders. Ignoring these orders can be grounds for further review.

Non-Retaliation, Standing Order

This order supersedes every other order (even by the outfit leader). Under no circumstance is any member of VREV to retaliate on a fellow Vanu by any method for any reason. Accidental incidents are to be expected, but deliberate action is strictly forbidden. If you are being griefed, report the player using the /report command, do not return fire, and report the incident to a superior officer. If you are being griefed by a fellow VREV player, report the action to a superior officer as soon as possible. Record the incident if you can.

Failure to follow this rule will result in an immediate review of the player, and the penalty with be directly proportionate to the infraction's outcome, up to, and including dismissal from the outfit. Griefing, even for retaliatory purposes, reflects negatively upon our outfit and all of it's members. We do not want these individuals among our ranks, should it become commonplace.

Clear Coms

An order of Clear Coms take precedence over all other orders given (following the chain of command). It may be called at any time, and once called, all voice communication must cease. A call of Resume Coms or the like will signal the end of this silence.

Return/Retreat to Warpgate

Once the order to retreat has been given it is expected that all individuals are to return to the warpgate as soon as possible. Special exemptions may be granted at the order-giver's discretion. If the officer wishes, they may say, “Immediate Return to Warpgate”, at which time all individuals without prior exemption must return to the warpgate, either through seeking death, or redeploying.

Galaxy (Hot) Drop

The order to perform a galaxy drop usually comes after the order to Return to Warpgate. Pay attention to who is giving the order, and load into the appropriate galaxy. It is up to the pilot to decide whether the individuals on board must manually drop, or if they will drop the squad. It is up to the order-giver to determine who drops out of the galaxy.

Recruitment Policy

Upon reaching the rank of Sargent, any member may invite those they believe would contribute to the overall goal of VREV. They are encouraged to cast a wide net. Those who do not fit will be filtered out early, and “bad apples” will not be held against those who recruited them.

Corporals are encouraged to make recruitment suggestions to those with a higher rank than themselves.

Ultimately, an outfit is only as successful as it's players, and not all individuals play on the same skill level.

Skill at the game is not a requirement for recruitment or advancement within the outfit. The willingness to work as part of a team, however, is.

Advancement and Award

No good action will be overlooked. If an individual (of any rank) performs above and beyond their calling, they may be recognized for their actions.

VREV's website will contain an awards “box” for all members, showcasing any awards, ribbons and medals they've earned. At this time, no awards have been discussed, but once the web site is up and running, a list will be created.

Voice and Text Chat Protocols

The primary rule for the outfit applies to both Voice and Text chat: respect. Talk about subjects such as “rape”, political talk, and the like must be confided to personal tells. Basically, if you wouldn't talk about it with your grandmother, you probably don't need to talk about it here.

While we do not have a strict age limit we generally promote an adult atmosphere. So while swearing is not banned or even frowned upon our members are encouraged to use the full breadth of the English language.

If at any time any individual in the outfit vocally complains about the subject at hand, all discussion about it is to cease immediately, without further inquiry or discussion. No mention of it is to be brought up in their presence. Continual abuse of this clause will cause the offender to come under review.

The outfit text chat, under most circumstances, can be used for any form of communication, even idle-chit-chat, during an operation.

During operations Platoon chat should be restricted in it's use for communication between squad leaders and their platoon leader and high priority information for all members. Ultimately how strict or lax the in game coms are is at the discretion of the squad/platoon lead. During operations and prime time activities coms will generally be more formal due to higher participation and greater need for tactical brevity.

Squad Chat is for intra-squad communication, and it's content shall be limited by the discretion of the squad leader. Keep in mind: There is no special channel for a fire team, so the squad chat should be used for this purpose.

Proximity/Public Chat should be for individuals riding in the same vehicle (assuming all occupants can hear), or for idle chit chat when waiting. Keep in mind, Proximity chat, more than any other form, will reflect upon our outfit. Abusing proximity chat (such as by making annoying noises, playing music, etc...), may be grounds for further review.

Orders and Officers channel is where we can communicate with other outfit leaders and officers. We are to be professional in every occasion, though we should strive to work with friendly outfits as much as possible.

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