Dragon Wolves

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Dragon Wolves
Empire Logo tr.pngTerran Republic
Region North America
Server Waterson
Tags/Abbreviations CDL
Website dragonwolves.com
Stats Dragon Wolves Stats

The Clan Draconus Lupus (also known as The Dragon Wolves) was formed over 10 years ago from a very tight-knit group of gamers. We have grown over these years to be an organized and devoted group of good friends. We have always based our Clan on teamwork and a family core-value system. We are all friends! We like to consider ourselves honorable; we hold the ethic of honor high, for we feel that through honor and valor, we will always find victory. The CDL is spread across a variety of different games and genres and has over 100 members.


[edit] PlanetSide

The Dragon Wolves [CDL] played the original PlanetSide since very early beta and was among the first outfits to perform many actions in the game. The coordinated Galaxy Drop was among these. Later, the Dragon Wolves were one of the first outfits created on Terran Republic Emerald. For a period of time the Dragon Wolves were also a member of the ULTRA Alliance and participated in many alliance operations. The Dragon Wolves remained active for several years after release.

When word of Planetside 2 came around, the Dragon Wolves were excited to regain our old prowess on the battlefield of Auraxis. One reason for this was, between the original Planetside and Planetside 2, there was never that ONE game that we could all agree on playing together that gave us the same sense of accomplishment that Planetside did. We finally had a game that we could rally around and agree that this is the game for us.

The Dragon Wolves again played in the various Alpha and Beta stages of the game, making sure SOE knew where the game should be improved upon and being very active within the community during the build up to release. Many times representatives of the Dragon Wolves appeared on the various AGN episodes which we believed helped to grow this community and tie in the Sony Development team.

Upon release the Dragon Wolves saw the need for a solid, cohesive unit to help the Terran Republic in conquering their foes. While we are a smaller outfit, it usually takes 3 to 4 times our enemies throw at us to get us out of a territory. We believe tactics and strategy can hold back and many times beat an enemy zerg that comes at us. If you are looking for coordinated strategy within an outfit, but not looking for a MilSim outfit, then the Dragon Wolves are for you.

Currently the Dragon Wolves are part of a Terran Republic Alliance called The Grand Army of the Republic. This Alliance is made up of large and small outfits that believe in a similar strategy to our own. We have made great strides on Waterson within this Alliance and look forward to working with the current outfits within the Alliance and also grow the Alliance.

[edit] Recruitment

The Dragon Wolves have a long standing tradition in gaming and the recruitment process reflects that history. The process includes getting to know your outfit mates and participating in outfit operations as well as our forums. All recruits are expected to install and run TeamSpeak 3 as well which is the Dragon Wolves official communication platform. Additionally each recruit will be given access to our PlanetSide Guide Manual which is where the recruit will be able to review our operational orders and structure.

Each and every new recruit is interviewed by outfit officers and then voted on by the outfit as a whole. Application to the Dragon Wolves starts with a forum application and speaking with a Recruitment Officer. For more information visit our Recruitment Forum.

[edit] History

Five original members had played games together around 1998 before the name and tag was officially adopted. In 1999 the CDL was officially formed by a group of like minded friends and relatives with the goal of forming a competitive online gaming team. The name was selected from a list of five names--the other four are lost to history now. The first foray into this was Tribes. They adopted the tag -CDL- which all of its members wear to this day. A strict Code of Conduct and Guide Manual was established to assist in team management. With the passing of Tribes the CDL moved on to its sequel Tribes 2, where it fought its way to the Top 6 of the Team Warfare Base Ladder. The CDL then moved to become a Multi Gaming Team with interests and divisions across the gaming spectrum.

[edit] Games

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The official CDL Flag
To date the CDL has participated in many games across the spectrum from FPS's to RPG's to MMORPG's. Below is a list of games the CDL has participated in officially.
  • Tribes
  • Tribes 2
  • Dark Ages of Camelot
  • PlanetSide
  • PlanetSide 2
  • EVE Online
  • Americas Army
  • Battlefield 1942
  • Battlefield 2
  • Battlefield: Bad Company 2
  • Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar
  • World of Warcraft
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic

There is a large spectrum of other games the CDL has played unofficially.

[edit] Leadership

The CDL has an Officers Council which was formed from a variety of trusted members over the years. Below is a listing of CDL Officers and their Positions.

  • Hamma - Commanding Officer
  • GraniteRok - Executive Officer
  • Sentrosi - Protocol Officer
  • TBeast - Recruiting Officer
  • Lunar - Development Officer
  • Jennyboo - Public Relations Officer
  • Asp - Administrative Officer

[edit] External links

[edit] See Also

List of Outfits

PlanetSide Universe
Personal tools
