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[edit] About NCWA

The new New Conglomerate Werner Alliance (NCWA) is a revival of the old NCWA from PlanetSide 1.

The NCWA thanks its name in part to the former PlanetSide Werner server, located in Europe. However, in PlanetSide 2 the alliance is formed by outfits on the Miller server. For recognizability, the NCWA retains the old server distinction, but should not be seen as a PS1 Werner NC only alliance.

The NCWA Raison d'Être (reason for existence) is the facilitation of grander empire strategy. The NCWA is a loosely organized grand-alliance of independent NC outfits, with the intent of improving the organizational structure of the NC empire. The NCWA will do so by improving cooperation and coordination between independent outfits, as well as organizing and supporting events on an empire wide scale, as well as grander continental and global strategic level in game.

This is in part done by creating more social bonds between the outfits to improve outfit networks and discussion and sharing of developed tactics.

[edit] NCWA Outfits

Tag Outfit Name Website/Forum
1st Hot Drop Regiment Website
A Armored Fist Website
BDX Brutal-Deluxe Website
Digital Legion Website
Fight Club Forum
FRMD Formido Forum
ICUGaming Website
MCYS MercenaryS Forum
NA Nordic Assault Forum
RL Renegade Legion Forum
Shadow Company Forum
WASP WASP Inc. Website
XDT Xtrem Damage Team Website

[edit] See Also

List of Alliances

PlanetSide Universe
Personal tools
