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Certifications are obtained via Certification Points and grant access to equipment, improve the specifications of items, and unlock abilities. You need a total of 57,798 certification points to buy every infantry class certification.



?Infiltrator Infiltrator
Category Certification Name Levels, Cost, and Effects
First Aid Certifications Medical Kit 50 100 150 500
Restoration Kit 30 100 200 500
Passive Systems Advanced Equipment Terminal Hacking 1 30 50 100 500
Tools Slot Recon Detect Device 0 30 50 200 500 1000
Ability Slot Hunter Cloaking Device 0 10 50 100 150 500
Nano-Armor Cloaking 50 100 150 200 500
Suit Slot Advanced Shield Capacitor 1 10 30 100 200
Flak Armor 1 10 50 150 500
Grenade Bandolier 100 150 500
Nanoweave Armor 1 10 50 150 1000
Ammunition Belt 1 10 100 1000
Grenade Slot Decoy Grenade 150
EMP Grenades 200
Utility Slot Anti-Personnel Mine 200 400
?Light Assault Light Assault
Category Certification Name Levels, Cost, and Effects
First Aid Certifications Medical Kit 50 100 150 500
Restoration Kit 30 100 200 500
Ability Slot Drifter Jump Jets 50 100 150 200 500
Jump Jets 0 10 50 100 150 500
Suit Slot Adrenaline Pump 30
Advanced Shield Capacitor 1 10 30 100 200
Ammunition Belt 1 10 100 1000
Flak Armor 1 10 50 150 1000
Grenade Bandolier 100 150 500
Nanoweave Armor 1 10 50 150 1000
Grenade Slot Flash Grenade 200
Smoke Grenade 200
Utility Slot C4 200 500
?Combat Medic Combat Medic
Category Certification Name Levels, Cost, and Effects
First Aid Certifications Medical Kit 50 100 150 500
Restoration Kit 30 100 200 500
Passive Systems Triage 100 150 200 400 500
Tool Slot Medical Applicator 0 10 30 50 100 500
Ability Slot Nano-Regen Device 0 1 10 30 50 200
Suit Slot Advanced Shield Capacitor 1 10 30 100 200
Flak Armor 1 10 50 150 1000
Grenade Bandolier 100 150 500
Nanoweave Armor 1 10 50 150 1000
Ammunition Belt 1 10 100 1000
Grenade Slot Nanite Healing Grenade 200
Nanite Revive Grenade 400
Utility Slot Slot C4 200 500
?Engineer Engineer
Category Certification Name Levels, Cost, and Effects
First Aid Certifications Medical Kit 50 100 150 500
Restoration Kit 30 100 200 500
Tool Slot Nano Armor Kit 0 10 30 50 150 500
Ability Slot Ammunition Package 0 60 100 150 200 300
MANA Turret 50 100 150 200 500
Suit Slot Advanced Shield Capacitor 1 10 30 100 500
Ammunition Belt 1 10 100 1000
Flak Armor 1 10 50 150 1000
Grenade Bandolier 100 150 500
Nanoweave Armor 1 10 50 150 1000
Utility Pouch 200 400 500 1000 1000
Grenade Slot Sticky Grenades 100
Utility Slot Anti-Personnel Mine 100 150
Tank Mines 100 200
C4 200 500
?Heavy Assault Heavy Assault
Category Certification Name Levels, Cost, and Effects
First Aid Certifications Medical Kit 50 100 150 500
Restoration Kit 30 100 200 500
Ability Slot Nanite Mesh Generator 0 1 30 100 200 500
Adrenaline Shield 150 200 400 500 1000
Resist Shield 50 100 150 200 500
Suit Slot Advanced Shield Capacitor 1 10 30 100 200
Flak Armor 1 10 50 150 1000
Grenade Bandolier 100 150 500
Nanoweave Armor 1 10 50 150 1000
Munitions Pouch 30 150 500 1000
Ammunition Belt 50 500
Grenade Slot Anti Vehicle Grenade 100
Concussion Grenade 200
Utility Slot C4 200 500
Category Certification Name Levels, Cost, and Effects
Passive Systems (outdated)MAX Acquire Timer Reduction Unknown
Ability Slot Ammo Storage Canister 100 150 200 500 1000
Charge 0 50 200 400 500 1000
Suit Slot MAX Flak Armor 50 100 150 200 400
Kinetic Armor 150 200 400 500 1000
Nano-Armor Accelerator 150 200 400 500 1000


Category Certification Name Levels, Cost, and Effects
Ammo Soft Point Ammunition 100
High Velocity Ammunition 100
Barrel Attachements Suppressor 100
Compensator 100
Flash Suppressor 100
Optics Reflex Sight 30
3.4x Scope 30
Reflex Sight 2x 30
4x Scope 30
Laser 4x Scope 30
Laser 3.4x Scope 30
6x Scope 30
IRNV Scope 30
Rail Laser Dot 100
Flashlight 100
Forward Grip 100
Underbarrel Grenade Launcher 100
Underbarrel Shotgun 100
Smoke Launcher 100
Category Certification Name Levels, Cost, and Effects
Barrel Attachements Suppressor 100
Rail Flashlight 100
Laser Dot 100


?Squad Leader
Category Certification Name Levels, Cost, and Effects
Communications Command Comm Channel 100
Request Reinforcements 200
Coordination Squad Objectives 30
Rally Point 50
Spawning Spawn Beacon 30 100 200 300 500


Vehicle certifications can be found on their own page: Certifications (Vehicle).

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