Beta Update (2012/08/30)
Contents |
- A number of Client Stability and Performance improvements have been made.
- Players may now purchase additional Infantry and Vehicle certifications.
- Zurvan and Peris base capture mechanics have been changed.
- Capture mechanics now have an adjaceny requirement.
- A YouTube Uploader is now available in the client.
- A certification to reduce the squad spawn timer is now available.
- A certification that allows the player to gain health when they heal others is now available.
Notable Bug Fixes:
- Keybinding will now save again between gameplay sessions.
- Platoon, Squad, and Outfit bugs have been fixed allowing for better voice and chat communication.
- A few weapon scope certification costs have been adjusted.
- Healing and Revive Grenade costs have been adjusted.
The Following Vehicle Certifications have been added:
- Flash - Scout Radar
- Sunderer - EMP Pulse Generator, Reinforced Front Armor, Reinforced Side Armor, Reinforced Top Armor, Smoke Screen.
- Lightning - Sunderer - Reinforced Front Armor, Reinforced Side Armor, Reinforced Top Armor.
- Magrider/Vanguard/Prowler - Reinforced Front Armor, Reinforced Side Armor, Reinforced Top Armor.
- Scythe/Reaver/Mosquito - Composite Armor, Decoy Flares, Scout Radar
- Liberator - Decoy Flares
The Liberator has been adjusted in the following ways:
- The magazine size of the 105mm cannon has been reduced.
- The direct hit damage of the 105mm cannon has been adjusted.
- The Recoiless rifle damage has been adjusted.
- It's resistance to AA and Flak has been slightly adjusted.
The firing rate of the Scythe and Reaver have been adjusted.
- The Grenade Bandolier certification is now available allowing players to carry additional grenades.
- The Engineer Utility Pouch certification is now available allowing players to carry additional mines.
- The Zurvan and Peris base capture systems have been changed.
- In order to capture a base, your empire will now need to own a hex adjacent to it.
- Overseer voiceover has been added for base capture status.
- Anti-Air Phalanx Turrets overheat time has been adjusted.